Below are directions for how Vicki works the Twigg stitch. She recommends holding both yarns in one hand, either the right or the left. This ensures that the same amount of yarn is used for the knit and the purl stitches, so you'll get even tension throughout the work.
Working the Twigg Stitch: Yarns Held in Right Hand
To begin, use one color of yarn and your favorite method (ribbed cable method shown here) to cast on an even number of stitches. Tie the other color onto the cast-on edge a few stitches in from the selvedge so you can tension both yarns equally.
Hold both yarns in your right hand (it's helpful to anchor them around your little finger) so that A (light), which will be used for the knit stitches, is on your middle finger and B (dark), which will be used for the purl stitches, is on your index finger (Figure 1). Be sure to maintain this separation as you knit.
Step 1. With both yarns at the back, insert the right needle tip knitwise into the knit stitch (Figure 2) and knit with is (Figure 3). Doing so forms a Twigg-knit stitch (abbreviated Tk).
Step 2. Bring both yarns to the front between the needles, insert the right needle tip purlwise into the purl stitch (Figure 4) and purl it with B, bringing B in front of A (Figure 5) so that the two yarns cross. Bring both yarns to the back (Figure 6). Doing so forms a Twigg-purl stitch (abbreviated Tp).
Repeat Steps 1 and 2 to the end of the row.
Turn the knitting around and work with the opposite colors for the next row—hold B, which will be used for the knit stitches, over your middle finger and hold A, which will be used for the purl stitches, over your index finger (Figure 7).
The inside of the Snowflake Earflap hat is blue with a white snowflake.
There are certain patterns in which Vicki recommends holding the yarns in separate hands, so it's great to know how to work with two methods—holding the yarns in two hands and holding the yarns in one hand. You'll also want to know how to switch colors, how to knit a tidy selvedge, how to do a couple of different cast-ons and bind-offs, and how to work increases and decreases.
Two Color Brioche Stitch with Cables Knit with eliZZZa * Rainbow Cowl *